Kind of Support
Support for the establishment of a pool of local trainers on the Harvard Negotiation Model
CGTP (trade union central) and SNI (employers’ organisation) of Peru
With/by whom?
By trainers of DECP, jointly with the local consultant for the FNV in Peru
Social dialogue negotiation skills
What kind of activity/activities
4 training sessions for a group of people (live and online) and coaching in the further development of a local institute able to provide training to companies and trade unions on negotiation and social dialogue skills. This group of experts has now established a local organisation called “Perspectiva” that offers training to unions and companies.
So, sit down to start a constructive dialogue, with a win-win focus, that is the way to get things done.
Jhimy Lázaro, vice secretary general of the union of workers of Mondelez Peru
Relevant links
#DiálogoSocial - Instituto Sociolaboral Y Ambiental (in Spanish)