International Responsible Business Conduct

Mondiaal FNV expects companies that engage in international business or investments to ensure that human rights and the environment are respected within their chains.

Not only governments are responsible for this; companies also have a duty of care. In other words, they need to ensure that no child labour or forced labour is involved, and that workers are able to organise in trade unions. Voluntarily, companies take insufficient responsibility. Therefore, legislation is needed that imposes obligations on companies.  

Strategic ambitions

  1. Mondiaal FNV is committed to the interests of workers in international chains and strives for international corporate social responsibility (ICSR) as a norm;
  2. Mondiaal FNV commits itself to ambitious policy aimed at fair trade in the Netherlands and the EU, including legislation for companies. 


Mondiaal FNV focuses on promoting decent work, on eradicating the exploitation of workers and the opposition to trade unions, and on improving poor labour conditions by contributing to ICSR covenants and other forms of collaboration with companies. Furthermore, we are also committed to compensating workers when companies have committed violations. Mondiaal FNV seeks to oblige companies through legislation to comply with the applicable United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which govern the protection of human rights within chains, as well as with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.  


Mondiaal FNV is active in different areas, such as: 

  • engaging and collaborating with companies; 
  • conducting research; 
  • advocating for effective Dutch and European policies, independently and with other organisations; 
  • supporting global sectoral trade unions that make international agreements with multinationals; 
  • supporting trade unions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, in order to call companies to account for misconduct or abuses within their chains, and, in this way, to enforce improvement. 

Background information 

Guidelines for fair trade include the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Mondiaal FNV cooperates closely with FNV trade union federation in various ICSR agreements which include the textile, food, pension funds, metal, flowers, and natural stone sectors. These agreements offer Mondiaal FNV and its partners a good opportunity to work on improving working conditions in the value chains in which we are active. Here too the focus is on the right of association for trade unions and the importance of social dialogue. 

Key sustainable development goals:

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