What we do

Everybody should be able to make a living wage and work in a safe environment. This can only be achieved when trade unions are capable of negotiating freely with employers, and are in a position to do so. That is why we support workers, their trade unions and NGO’s supporting worker’s rights. in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
In 2022, we worked with 183 international partners. Together, we improved the working conditions of 498,321 workers through collective bargaining agreements. We contributed to the improvement of labor laws for more than 33.36 million workers.  

Trade unions organise, represent and fight for all workers, but unions are under threat. With increasing pressure from many governments on civil society it is harder for workers to become trade union members. In many countries, being a trade unionist is simply dangerous.

Mondiaal FNV empowers unions

Together, we strive for decent work for all, we make companies take responsibility for the conditions in which their products are made, and we fight for a world with gender equality and without child labour.

Mondiaal Stories

How do we improve the work and lives of so many workers?

Read our stories of change
Workers and factory management in Peru

How do we improve the work and lives of so many workers?

Read our stories of change
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