With the support of Mondiaal FNV, trade unions and environmental organisations in Nigeria have forged a unique alliance - one of the first of its kind in the country. The aim is to inform and organise workers and local communities about the consequences of climate change.
In Nigeria, the agricultural and petroleum sectors are large: they employ millions of workers. They also contribute to climate change: they cause drought, desertification, variable rainfall and extreme heat. A switch from fossil to renewable energy is necessary to combat further climate change, but will also affect many people working in these sectors.
Trade unions and NGOs are joining forces with the government and employers to reach agreements on a ‘Just Transition’ for workers. This will ensure that the many workers in the old fossil economy will not be left empty-handed, but will be given the opportunity to retrain and find new, decent work in the sustainable economy.
Through discussions, the cooperation between trade unions and NGOs is developing and it is becoming clear what is needed for a Just Transition. See how it is done in the video "Nigeria, working together for a just transition to sustainable energy."