Just transition

The worldwide transition to renewable energy must be just.

For Mondiaal FNV that means that we use the energy transition as an opportunity to create better, healthier and more sustainable jobs, and to ensure wider access to clean energy. Trade unions should have a seat at the table at climate and energy transition discussions, to ensure workers in the global south don’t suffer negative impacts from a crisis they did not create.

What is Just Transition?

Strategic ambitions relating to Just Transition 

  1. Mondiaal FNV supports trade unions in acquiring expertise and increasing awareness among trade union leaders and workers on topics relating to the environment, the energy transition, and to the impact on and opportunities for their sectors;  

  2. Mondiaal FNV will ensure that its projects contribute to a fair transition of energy.


In cooperation with its project partners, Mondiaal FNV aims to build relationships and alliances. Another important objective is to increase the support base of projects, and to develop strategies to address climate change. By means of its Social Dialogue programme, Mondiaal FNV will support partners in joining dialogues at different levels, and inform them about major general and policy developments in the field of climate action and the energy transition.  


Develop a transition strategy 

FNV trade union federation has developed a strategy involving social interventions that are required to secure workers’ rights and livelihoods. It is based on a just process towards ecologically sustainable economies. Several of Mondiaal FNV’s social dialogue programmes focus on a just transition, as do some programmes in value chains where there is a connection with the theme. 


Supported by Mondiaal FNV, partners in Colombia and Nigeria gain experience in establishing alliances between trade unions and environmental and civil-society organisations, in order to fight jointly for a just transition from old to new energy sources. In India, Mondiaal FNV supports projects focused on training young trade union members to become what is referred to as energy leaders, as well as projects in which solar energy plays a pivotal role and waste is recycled into office supplies. 

Background information 

Following the Paris Agreement of 2015, which is aimed at curbing global warming, national governments have started to develop climate plans, and the FNV is involved in these. In its Just Transition projects, Mondiaal FNV collaborates with other trade union organisations such as the Swedish Union to Union, as well as with global sectoral unions like the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and Public Services International (PSI). Other major partners are the Just Transition Centre (JTC) of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), as well as the ITUC itself. 

Mondiaal FNV supports Colombian trade unions in their fight for a fair transition 

Example project: Nigeria

Working together for a fair transition to sustainable energy

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still from video

Working together for a fair transition to sustainable energy

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Example project: Colombia

Trade unions establish observatory for just energy transition

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Patricio Sambonino

Trade unions establish observatory for just energy transition

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Key Sustainable Development Goal

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