Actions on social media in 2021

Mondiaal FNV frequently uses its social media channels to share stories of change from our partners, to campaign and to lobby for better working conditions and rights. Below is a selection of our actions on social media in 2021.

Compilation of videos in our social media posts about the exhibition of the photo series 'Made by Me'. Photographer Chris de Bode made the series about garment workers in Myanmar by order of Mondiaal FNV and he received the 'Zilveren Camera first prize international documentary series'. We organised special events for FNV members and officials to see the exhibition. To this end, we conducted an extensive information campaign to draw attention to our work and the exhibition, which reached almost 600,000 people.

On this #WorldDayforDecentWork, we call attention to the makers of our clothing.  With this T-shirt we depict the unequal distribution in the textile industry: too small a proportion of each T-shirt goes to its maker’s wages. Things need to change!

From the Sustainable Textile Initiative #STITCH, we work in partnership with trade unions, NGOs, labour rights organisations and garment brands to make this better and we campaign tirelessly for a #leefbaarloon (living wage). 

Invest in #ontwikkelingssamenwerking (development cooperation) for global recovery. Our president Tuur Elzinga and CNV Internationaal, wrote a joint letter with the object of getting the agreed 0.7% norm for development cooperation on the agenda during the #formatie (government formation).


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