UN Water Conference 2023 successful

Starting point for achieving ambitious goals

From 22 to 24 March 2023, the International Water Conference took place at the UN headquarters in New York. This edition was co-organized by the Netherlands and Tajikistan.

Video United for Water

The FNV was represented

The FNV was present as one of the larger interest groups from the Netherlands. Healthy drinking water and sanitation are one of the world's human rights. The FNV, as the largest trade union, represented the drinking water sector with a delegation of directors and executives and with input from the FNV Public Interest sector (FNV Government) and from International Solidarity.

King of The Netherlands Willem-Alexander gave a speech on Wednesday 22 March at the opening of the UN water conference and was also one of the presidents that day together with Tadsjikistan. You could follow the entire water conference live via WebTV of the United Nations. #WaterAction

Looking back

With its participation, the FNV specifically focused on the solutions that the Dutch drinking water sector has when it comes to clean drinking water, the need for good working conditions, deprivatization of public services and the importance of international solidarity.

Soon you will be able to see the 'after movie' here with a look back at the activities of the FNV delegation at the Water Conference 2023 in New York.

"Make Your Own Wonderful Water Wish 2023"

FNV drinking water companies would like to invite you to symbolically express your water wish for the new year 2023. All entrants will be included in one of the relevant publications on this subject. We also take your heart's desire in a playful and penetrating way to the Water Conference itself from 22 to 24 March in New York itself. In this way, together we are building a movement to draw worldwide attention to the serious challenges that lie ahead, at the drinking water companies, in the Netherlands. Europe and worldwide.

You can also indicate whether we can use your e-mail address to keep you informed of the subject. The FNV acts in accordance with Privacy - FNV. Your privacy is important to us and is therefore assured. We look forward to your submission, for which thank you very much!

Do you join us and let your heart speak? Then fill in the digital form and express your preferences about how we can use your water wish.

My Water Wish as follows

Flyer and program

Agenda items and objectives

Read more about the agenda items related to human rights and the objectives of the conference here.

Human rights continue to be appallingly violated worldwide. Not only when it comes to water and sanitation facilities. The FNV has been fighting injustice from different angles and different sectors for years. The following points are central to the agenda when it comes to preventing human rights violations.

  • The right to water for everyone with access to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic use.
  • The right to sanitation for all with physical and affordable access in all spheres of life, which is safe, hygienic, secure, socially and culturally acceptable, and which provides privacy and guarantees dignity.
  • Physical presence is not the same as access. A water or sanitation service does not serve the whole community if it is too expensive, unreliable, unhygienic, unsafe, not adapted for disabled groups or children, or not gender-segregated in the case of toilets and washing facilities.
  • All people have the right to water and sanitation without discrimination. Marginalized groups such as women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, the disabled and many others are often overlooked by, and sometimes face active discrimination, by those who plan and manage water and sanitation improvements and services.

The organizers of the conference aim to achieve the following:

  • Governments adopt a Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to water and sanitation. States are duty bound to provide water and sanitation to all people.
  • Have human rights legislation with a 'pro poor' focus. Duty bearers must focus their interventions on those most in need and develop capacities to meet their obligations.
  • Overcome all barriers to access water and sanitation. For example, laws and governance must address all grounds for discrimination, including gender, ethnicity, religion, caste, disability, age, health status, and economic status.
  • Make water and sanitation a crucial part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 'Leaving no one behind' is the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A society can only achieve high levels of public health, gender equality, educational attainment and economic productivity if all its members enjoy their right to water and sanitation. Respect for human rights must be integrated.

Collective Labor Agreement (Cao) Drinking water companies

The drinking water sector in the Netherlands is characterized by loyal, hard-working (executive) members who have water instead of blood flowing through their veins. The employees provide our safe drinking water day and night. The following spearheads are central to the negotiations:

  • Appreciation of the work for the whole of society (public interest).
  • Safe and healthy work until retirement.
  • A clear collective labor agreement with good, fair and solid employment conditions.

National and International cooperation

The FNV has been active for some time when it comes to improving public services, among other things through cooperation with the worldwide trade union federation of employees in the public domain Public Services International (PSI) and the related (inter)national campaign De future is Public, which has also been included FNV-wide in the Long-Term Policy Plan 2022-2025.

This is how we keep you informed

On this page we will keep you informed of all activities in preparation for the Water Conference. We will therefore regularly update the content. So keep a close eye on www.fnv.nl/waterconference-vn. Feel free to share this information with other interested parties, such as colleagues, friends and family members. If you have any questions, you can send a message directly to waterconference-vn@fnv.nl. Interested in becoming a member? Go directly to www.fnv.nl/lidmaatschap.

Invite someone else to join you

Do you have a (former) colleague, acquaintance or friend who is also interested in the subject? Direct them to www.fnv.nl/waterconference-vn. If one of them is also interested in becoming active and is considering becoming an FNV member, go to www.fnv.nl/anderlidmaken. If you are a member yourself, you will receive a bonus of 10 euros from us when you sign up.

Nederlandse versie

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