My Wonderful Water Wish 2023

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The FNV Water Companies would like to invite you to symbolically express your water wish for the new year 2023. All contributors will be given a place in one of the relevant publications on this subject. We will also take your heart's desire in a playful and creative way to the Water Conference itself from 22 to 24 March in New York. In this way, we are building a movement together to draw worldwide attention to the serious challenges ahead of us, for the drinking water companies, in the Netherlands, in Europe and worldwide.

Invite someone else to join you

Do you have a (former) colleague, acquaintance or friend who is also interested in the subject and wants to express a miraculous wish? Direct them to If one of them is also interested in becoming active and is considering becoming an FNV member, go to If you are a member yourself, you will receive a bonus of € 10 from us when you sign up.

Great that you are joining us!

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