Information and Communication Technology & Financial capacity building

Kind of Support

Information and Communication Technology and Financial capacity building





With/by whom

By Stephen Sanyo, consultant


Financial Capacity Building in East Africa 2018-2021

What kind of activity/activities

Support in the purchase of some hardware, updating many of their manuals and policy documents (financial/accounting, fraud, whistle-blower, retirement strategy, human resources, etc.), assistance with streamlining of its accounting, database, and payroll software, as well as financial management training. Mid 2018 TUICO was entirely manual in all its operations with only a few computers for senior staff. TUICO is now a trade union with a state-of-the-art management information system.

We embarked on a long, tough ICT Journey, and are excited the way it is heading. The future is promising

Sebastian Okiki, ICT director TUICO

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