Nigeria: working together on a fair transition to renewable energy

Door Redactie 3 maart 2021

Trade unions and environmental organisations in Nigeria have forged a unique alliance - one of the first of its kind in the country - with the support of Mondiaal FNV and in close cooperation with Friends of the Earth.

The aim is to inform and organise workers and local communities around the consequences of climate change, and to achieve a fair transition to renewable energy for workers.

From fossil enery tot renewable enery

The agricultural and oil sectors are large in Nigeria: they employ millions of workers. They also contribute to climate change, causing drought, desertification, variable rainfall and extreme heat. A shift from fossil energy to renewable energy is needed to combat further climate change, but this will affect many people working in these sectors.

'Just Transition'

Trade unions and NGOs are working together to reach agreements with governments and employers on a fair transition for workers, to make sure that the large group of workers in the old fossil economy will not be left empty-handed, but be given the opportunity to retrain and get good jobs in the sustainable economy.


Further cooperation between trade unions and NGOs for a Just Transition is discussed in the video “Nigeria, working together towards a fair transition to renewable energy".

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