Who we are

Everybody should be able to make a living wage and work in a safe environment. Unfortunately, the reality is different. All over the world, people are working in unsafe conditions, without protection against exploitation, and for compensation far below a living wage.

Mondiaal FNV – for worker’s rights worldwide


Too often, women have fewer opportunities to claim their rights than men, and for the first time in twenty years the number of children in work instead of school has gone up, according to a 2021 study by the ILO. Trade unions organise, represent and fight for all workers, but trade unions are under threat. With increasing pressure from many governments on civil society it is harder for workers to become trade union members. In many countries, being a trade unionist is simply dangerous.

Who we are

Mondiaal FNV is the international solidarity and support organisation affiliated with the largest Dutch trade union federation, the FNV. We believe everybody has the right to collective bargaining, a living wage, social protection and good working conditions, in other words, decent work. And this is what we have been fighting for, for nearly fifty years.

What we do

Decent work can only be achieved when trade unions are capable of negotiating freely with employers, and are in a position to do so. That is why we support workers, their trade unions and NGO’s supporting worker’s rights in over 100 countries worldwide. We reach over 20 million working people through our work in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Our focus Trade unions face a number of challenges. They face shrinking civil space and often direct threats and workers are part of production chains which are increasingly fragmented across countries and sectors. Most workers in the Global South work in the informal economy, which poses additional challenges to organising collectively in trade unions. Therefore, Mondiaal FNV supports unions in improving their skills, becoming strong social partners, creating decent jobs and defending the fundamental rights of workers in both the formal and informal economy. Achieving gender equality and ending child labour are central throughout our programming.

How we work

At Mondiaal FNV, we believe that every worker has the right to stand up for themselves and their colleagues. To that end, Mondiaal FNV provides financial support and expertise, stimulates cooperation and knowledge exchange, and advocates for better working conditions, a stronger position for trade unions and increasing female leadership in trade unions. Our extensive network of global, regional, national and local partner organisations allows for high leverage alliance building and maximum impact on the ground. Together, we fight for fair supply chains, a safe workplace, gender equality and a world without child labour.

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