Social dialogue is the basis of sustainable development.
Social dialogue is the basis of sustainable development and requires that people are allowed to organise in a trade union. With the support of members, trade unions need to have the power and freedom to negotiate freely with employers on topics such as better working conditions, a living wage, sustainable employment, and establishing a social-security safety net. The better the social dialogue, the greater the chance of achieving these goals.
Mondiaal FNV ensures that workers have a stronger position during negotiations, by offering trade unions the right capacity for negotiations and dialogue;
When trade unions are still in their early stages, Mondiaal FNV will ensure that their projects focus on basic training and providing information, and, if needed, on protection.
Social dialogue leads to better living conditions
In addition to better working conditions, social dialogue contributes to:
International cooperation
As FNV trade union federation we signed the Global Deal together with the Dutch government and over 75 international partners. It involves worldwide cooperation aimed at addressing the challenges and issues involving the global labour market, so that everybody will benefit. This is done by promoting social dialogue in all its forms, an initiative supported by the ILO and the OECD.
Mondiaal FNV supports social dialogue in Ghana, Indonesia, South Asia (Nepal, Bangladesh, and India), Myanmar, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and East Africa (Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda). In addition, we carry out sectoral (construction, palm oil, flowers, fruit and vegetables, and seeds) and theme-related (immigration, just transition, and fragile states) projects that involve social dialogues.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) of the United Nations defines social dialogue as follows: ‘to include all types of negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and workers, on issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy.’ In essence, this means arriving jointly at solutions and making agreements, ranging from a collective labour agreement (CLA) to national employment agreements, and from health and safety in the workplace to a pension agreement.
How successful social dialogue emerged from a conflict in an agricultural export company with over 16,000 employees in Peru.
Read more & watch the videoHow successful social dialogue emerged from a conflict in an agricultural export company with over 16,000 employees in Peru.
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