Living Wage

As far as Mondiaal FNV is concerned, in-work poverty is not an option. Every worker in the world is entitled to a living wage.

A living wage is a net wage based on universal basic living needs. This includes things like healthy and nourishing food, clean water, decent housing, health care, quality education, clothing, transport, and insurances. Furthermore, a living wage also allows workers to save up for unexpected costs and for a pension.

Strategic ambitions

  1. Mondiaal FNV supports democratic trade unions in order to enable them to negotiate on a living wage with social partners; 

  2. Mondiaal FNV ensures that its projects contribute to strengthening this negotiating power.



Mondiaal FNV supports projects that empower workers through training, the sharing of information and expertise, and coaching, as well as by way of exchanges between the Netherlands and project countries. This strengthens the relationship between employees and employers. In other words, it contributes towards sound labour relations for everybody, and helps lift people out of poverty. 


The FNV is urging the Dutch government to encourage companies to respect trade union rights, and to pay suppliers and sub-contractors sufficiently. This will enable them to pay a living wage throughout the supply chain. Moreover, the FNV encourages Dutch companies to discuss and guarantee a living wage for all workers throughout the supply chain: for example, through Dutch International Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) covenants. 

Background information 

A statutory minimum wage, national or otherwise, is established by the government, sometimes as a result of negotiations with companies and, in some cases, also with trade unions. It does not necessarily cover the entire cost of living, and is even significantly less in many countries. In addition, countries may apply varying minimum wages for different regions, sectors, professions, or skill levels. For example, countries such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and South Africa have more than one hundred minimum wages in place. As opposed to a minimum wage, a living wage is established per sector, profession, or skill. This is the absolute minimum that workers in a particular country need in order to cover basic living costs for themselves and their families. 

Key Sustainable Development Goal

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