Building Bridges. How social dialogue benefits people and business

Looking back on an extraordinary conference

On 8 October, 2019, Mondiaal FNV organised the conference: 'Building Bridges. How social dialogue benefits people and business'.

Social dialogue: building bridges and listening 

‘Social dialogue is all about building bridges and about listening’ said Alette van Leur (Director of the Sectoral Policies Department (SECTOR) at the ILO. ‘It’s not a case of one size fits us all’. During the course of the day, many interesting and useful viewpoints and best practices were shared. You can read the conference summary in Dutch or in English.

Social dialogue benefits people and business

Parts of the conference were captured on video, resulting in a short film. During the meeting, we were able to demonstrate how social dialogue can be of benefit both to people and to business, as well as why it is important for development and how it can be achieved. Watch the video.

How to address and respect trade union rights

During the conference David Vermijs (Shift) presented the manual ‘Respecting Trade Union Rights in Global Value Chains’ – a joint initiative of Mondiaal FNV and Shift. Freedom of association and collective bargaining are of course prerequisites for social dialogue, but can pose challenges. The manual is a tool that will help to identify and mitigate the risks. Read more

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