Trade union rights

Trade union rights are human rights.

Trade union rights are human rights. If people can organise in a trade union, they will be empowered and better able to negotiate on employment conditions. No collective bargaining is possible without recognition of trade union rights. This renders trade union rights a basic requirement and a means to fight for all fundamental labour standards.

Strategic ambitions

Mondiaal FNV contributes to establishing, strengthening, and maintaining democratic trade unions that are able to fight under any circumstances for workers’ rights. 

Challenges in project countries 

Well-functioning trade unions that are free to do their work are indispensable for a fair division of income and wealth. They strengthen the voices of workers in countries and regions where workers’ rights are not or not fully respected. Respect for trade union rights is the basis on which to begin any social dialogue or negotiations. However, trade union rights are under pressure in a number of regions where Mondiaal FNV actively supports partners.  


In cooperation with our project partners we seek:  

  • to provide trade unions with sufficient expertise, skills, and the capacity to fight for workers’ rights;  
  • to tackle obstacles to freedom of association in trade unions. 



Mondiaal FNV supports its partners both financially and morally in establishing and strengthening their trade union activities. From a financial perspective, this is done by enabling trade union activities and organising, and, from a moral perspective, by establishing solidarity actions. For example, the FNV’s Febe Elizabeth Velásquez Trade Union Rights Award is such a sign of solidarity. Moreover, if desired, we also support trade unions by providing technical expertise, and we see to it that unions are able to learn from each other.  


If trade unions encounter many obstacles due to violations of trade union rights, or are not invited to the negotiating table, Mondiaal FNV steps in by exerting pressure on the government or on companies within the chain. We also support our partners with their lobbying activities, and offer support when breaches of trade union rights are brought before the ILO. 

Background information 

Every year, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), publishes the Global Rights Index, in which 161 countries are classified according to trade union freedom, and violations are highlighted. The FNV is also affiliated to the ITUC. The 2021 index has shown, for example, in many countries, an increase in abuse of the right to strike, and the right to establish and to join a trade union. The fight for trade union rights is therefore not a luxury. In cooperation with Shift, the leading centre of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights, we have developed and issued a manual for companies, aimed at promoting freedom of association in trade unions.  

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