Meeting International Palm Oil Workers United in Colombia 2024

Over the past few days, we have proudly contributed to the meeting of the intercontinental collaboration network International Palm Oil Workers United (IPOWU) in Colombia. Motivated trade union representatives from the palm oil industry in Colombia, Indonesia, Ghana, and members of FNV at Lidl and Cargill came together for constructive and valuable exchanges.

On the first day, we focused on the results of our joint research on the use of agrochemicals in the palm oil industry. The findings highlight urgent issues, such as the lack of awareness among workers about the health risks of pesticides and fertilizers. It is also a major concern that chemicals banned in Europe are still being used in Indonesia—an unjust situation that must be addressed immediately.

On the second day, the focus was on developing a joint strategy to improve the health and safety of workers handling these dangerous substances. A key first step is to raise awareness among European buyers about the risks these chemicals pose to workers. Current policies often focus solely on productivity and biodiversity, with insufficient attention given to the serious risks faced by workers, both women and men.

It was inspiring to engage in these conversations with such a dedicated group of trade union leaders, all determined to improve working conditions throughout the entire supply chain. As Mondiaal FNV, we will continue to support our partners in this fight for improvements in the global palm oil supply chain.


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