Mondiaal FNV Complaints Procedure

Mondiaal FNV is committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct and ethics. In line with this commitment SeeHearSpeakUp has been appointed to provide an external and independent confidential reporting service to you. If you have serious concerns about any aspect of Mondiaal FNV work you are encouraged to come forward and voice those concerns in a safe and secure manner.  You have the right to raise concerns in the knowledge that they will be taken seriously and investigated appropriately. 

Concerns that you raise will be passed to senior officers within Mondiaal FNV to consider potential investigation. Your personal details, such as your name and contact information will not be shared unless you provide SeeHearSpeakUp with your consent to share your details. Although not encouraged, you can also raise concerns anonymously to SeeHearSpeakUp

How it works

Mondiaal FNV encourages you to raise concerns internally by approaching the manager or confidential advisor of our organisation. However, if for whatever reason, you wish to raise concerns to SeeHearSpeakUp you can do so using the following reporting channels:

By phone:

Netherlands – 0800 022 2398

Global - +44 1224 379303

The confidential reporting hotline is operated 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. All call handlers are professionally trained and qualified to ensure that you are dealt with in a professional and confidential manner.


You can report online via the website at . You will to asked to create a username and password to login. 

By e-mail:

Alternatively you can email your concerns to SeeHearSpeakUp at When emailing please state ‘Mondiaal FNV’ in the subject header. 


More information on Mondiaal FNV’s Code of Conduct and complaints procedure:

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