Trade unions crucial in aid & trade

Minister Schreinemacher is currently fleshing out the key points of her plans relating to Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. In FNV & CNV’s view, it is crucial / important for her to recognise the crucial role played by the trade unions worldwide. Presidents Elzinga (FNV) and Piet Fortuin (CNV) are writing a letter to the Minister, drawing her attention to a number of important points.

Their plea for attention in 7 points:

  • Take account of the role of trade unions in all your programmes
  • Strengthen the space for civil society worldwide
  • Work to achieve long-term results by way of social dialogue
  • Place the primary focus on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals & corporate social responsibility in government policy as a whole
  • Ensure firm, enforceable and sustainable trade agreements
  • Create robust, national legislation addressing corporate social responsibility
  • Consult civil society organisations regarding the Ministry’s new Africa strategy

Decent work worldwide

Solidarity is the core of the trade union movement and this doesn’t stop at the borders, just as the economy doesn’t keep to borders. This is why Mondiaal FNV and CNV Internationaal have for many years now worked jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Along with local trade union partners we campaign tirelessly for decent work worldwide. Together, we are active at the cutting edge of aid and trade: trade unions contribute to an inclusive and sustainable development of the economy in partner countries.

Trade unions necessary for an equitable distribution of prosperity & opportunity

Now, especially, it is essential for the trade unions to be in a strong position to achieve an equitable distribution of prosperity and opportunity. The Netherlands has a rich tradition of conducting negotiations between trade unions and employers and for years has applied this experience and knowledge in both aid and trade. We look forward in the coming years to continuing to contribute to equitable trade, responsible business practice, combating child labour and taking sustainable steps towards achieving a living wage.

Read the letter to the Minister

Vital role of trade unions highlighted

In 2022, Mondiaal FNV took advantage of a number of opportunities to emphasise to Minister Schreinemacher of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation the important role played by trade unions in combatting poverty & inequality and the development of fair trade and corporate social responsibility.

The above-mentioned letter forms part of a broader introduction to the Minister of the work carried out by Mondiaal FNV and CNV Internationaal: at the beginning of the year, FNV and CNV Presidents sent a letter to the Minister to introduce themselves to her and to expound upon the work carried out by Mondiaal FNV and CNV Internationaal. The meeting in person followed on 29 August.

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