Action on social media

Mondiaal FNV frequently uses its social media channels to share stories of change from our partners, to campaign and to lobby for better working conditions and rights. Below is a selection of our actions on social media in 2022.

Free Thet Hning Aung
Mondiaal FNV called attention to the situation in Myanmar and campaigned for the release of jailed trade union leader Thet Hnin Aung. By organising a fundraising campaign for the Lawyers' Collective that defends over 200 trade unionists and human rights activists detained in Myanmar. A total of €4,463.05 was contributed.

Domestic Workers' Day
A new life for domestic worker Rita! Because thanks to our project, a national alliance of trade unions for domestic workers has been established in #India. Members now have access to social welfare provisions & a safer work environment. This is quite remarkable, considering that Indian domestic workers are often not recognised as having worker status with legal protection. They often work 8 to 18 hours a day, in poor and sometimes dangerous conditions.

Mondiaal FNV supports and promotes the Good Clothes, Fair Pay campain
Millions of people all over the world work in the clothing sector and do not earn enough to make ends meet. Legislation is a powerful mechanism to ensure that the wages of garment workers is increased. This is our reason for supporting the Good Clothes, Fair Pay campaign. It isn’t just a letter campaign: if the campaign collects a sufficient number of signatures, the European Commission is required to consider legislation for a living wage in the garment industry.


Decent Work Check
Together with our partner Wageindicator Foundation, we promoted the DecentWorkCheck. The decent check is a quick check of international and national labour law knowledge and at the same time an awareness tool. The Decent Work Check is seen as an eyeopener for workers, trade unionists, employers and even labour inspectors.

Help the builders of the Qatar football stadiums
Mondiaal FNV called attention to the poor working conditions of the labour migrants who were building the football stadiums for the football WC in Qatar and organised a donor campaign, which raised 12,604.- euro.

Mondiaal FNV gender strategy

International Women's Day
On International Women’s Day we posted a video of STITCH, the partnership Mondiaal FNV is participating in to improve labour conditions for garment workers.


Scrol door het jaarverslag 2022:
Sociaal verslag
Financieel verslag

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