About Mondiaal FNV

Mondiaal FNV supports workers worldwide in their fight for decent work.

Everyone has the right to fair working conditions, a living wage, social protection, and collective bargaining to improve their circumstances. To be able to build a future. That is why, together with workers, their trade unions and NGO supporting worker’s rights, we strive for a world where strong unions are in a position to ensure decent work for all.

Mondiaal FNV

Learn more about our story Who we are

Since 1975, we have been fighting for decent work for all.

What we do

We empower workers and their unions in their struggle against workers exploitation

vrouwelijke bouwvakker in Rwanda How we work

We partner with unions and provide financial support and expertise. We also lobby for better working conditions, stronger unions and more female leadership.

Mondiaal Stories

See our latest edition of Mondiaal Stories

Open Mondiaal Stories (pdf)

See our latest edition of Mondiaal Stories

Open Mondiaal Stories (pdf)

Results in 2023


Together with our partners we were able by way of the TUCP programme to improve the working conditions for 244,005 workers via 915 collective agreements...


...we we achieved positive policy changes for 5.1 million people...


...we partnered with 56 Trade unions/Trade Union Federations & NGOs supporting worker’s rights.

Integrity and transparency

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